We want our users to be satisfied with the app. However, we understand that there may be reasons to cancel your subscription. Below is a guide on how to do so.
For more information on canceling via Apple, read more here.
For more information on canceling via Google Play, read more here.
Your account and all associated information are now deleted. We save your information for 6 months, during which time you can restore your account. Note that information you have sent to others is saved in their account, and deleting your account does not affect theirs.
We appreciate all feedback, both positive and negative! Please e-mail our team at hello@varannanvecka.app and share your experience. We really appreciate you taking time out of your day to help us building a better service for parents and children!
Elisabeth Scholander Family Law Attorney and Mediator, Specializing in Conflict Resolution for Families
7 June 2024
"The turning point came when we found the Every Other Week app. There's less fuss and both of us have a better handle on things. It feels so great!”
"Thank you so much for this app, it has finally gotten us to communicate!”