When you're on the go, a chat can be the easiest way to check in with each other or send quick info. In the app, you can keep all your chat threads about the kids organized. Everything in order, nothing lost! Convenient and predictable for everyone!
When you start a new thread, you choose who will participate and thus be able to see and write in the thread. Not everyone invited to the app can see all threads. You set the visibility when you start the thread and decide who gets an invitation to join. If you want to discuss something only with your co-parent, make the thread visible only to them. If you want the children and/or another invited person to see and participate in the thread, make it visible to them as well.
Anyone with an account in the app within the same subscription as you can be invited to chat threads. Here's how:
Your new chat thread is now at the top of the thread list.
If someone in the family is not yet in the app, you can easily invite them via Settings. Choose "Add Child" or "Add Important Adult" depending on who you want to add.
Inside the thread, there are three dots at the top right. There you can change the subject or archive the thread.
No, threads cannot be deleted. What is written remains. The reason for this is that it can be important to go back and see what was said. Therefore, conversations cannot be changed or deleted afterward. If you no longer want to see a conversation, archive it.
To minimize toxic language, the chat has an AI filter that detects if what is written might be toxic. If a parent starts typing a chat message with swear words, offensive language, or negative comments, the AI filter warns them by changing the text box color to yellow, orange, or red depending on the level of toxicity. The message can still be sent, but the sender receives a clear warning that the message to the co-parent is likely to be conflict-inducing.
Other parents have created threads for the following topics:
Elisabeth Scholander Family Law Attorney and Mediator, Specializing in Conflict Resolution for Families
24 May 2024
"The turning point came when we found the Every Other Week app. There's less fuss and both of us have a better handle on things. It feels so great!”
"Thank you so much for this app, it has finally gotten us to communicate!”