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Parents   »   With Pictures & Notes, it’s easy to be generous

With Pictures & Notes, it’s easy to be generous

It can be tough for both children and parents to be apart when living in a every-other-week life. We can never completely erase that feeling, but with Pictures & Notes, we’ve created a tool that makes it easier to share the child’s life and joys with each other.

You can find Pictures & Notes in the main menu of the app.

How Pictures Work

Pictures work similar to Instagram and have a feed where you can upload pictures from the child’s daily life. Perhaps the first day of school, pictures from the Lucia celebration, or the high ropes course that was terrifying but turned into pride once completed. 😊 Sharing pictures from time to time and giving insight into one’s daily life is often soothing for the soul of the other parent when the longing is strong.

“I missed Greta so much when she was with her dad in the beginning. But then we decided to share pictures from our weeks with her, and everything calmed down. I saw that she was happy and doing well. That allowed me to focus on other things. I also regained some trust in Greta’s dad, Peter. The feed becomes like a beautiful album of her life.”

Annika, 36 years old

If you have other important adults in the app, they can also view the pictures and like and comment. It’s common for older relatives like grandparents to appreciate the updates a little extra. Especially if the child’s family is geographically dispersed. You also never risk missing a relative that the child (and you as parents) need to stay in touch with.

How Notes Work

In Notes, you can create and share lists and notes. For example, if you need to know the login and password for the child’s Storytel account for audiobooks or the Disney account for children’s movies.

You choose the visibility yourself, i.e., who can see the list, when you create it. This makes it possible to easily share the child’s wish list with the other parent, and both can contribute with ideas.

Having all your notes and lists about the child in one place means you never have to worry about forgetting or losing lists or writing in different lists and misunderstanding each other. So convenient!

Elisabeth Scholander