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Parents   »   Photos & Child-info make it easy to stay connected

Photos & Child-info make it easy to stay connected

Living in a varannan vecka-arrangement can be tough for both children and parents. While we can’t completely eliminate that feeling, with Photos & Child-info, we’ve created a tool that makes it easier to share the child’s life and joyful moments with each other.

How Photos Work

Photos work similarly to Instagram, with a feed where you can post pictures from your child’s everyday life. Maybe it’s the first day of school, pictures from the Lucia celebration, or the high ropes course that was terrifying at first but turned into a proud achievement once completed. 😊 Sharing pictures now and then and giving a glimpse into daily life can be soothing for the co-parent when the longing is strong.

“I missed Greta so much when she was with her dad in the beginning. But then we decided to share pictures from our weeks with her, and everything calmed down. I saw that she was happy and doing well. That allowed me to focus on other things. I also regained some trust in Greta’s dad, Peter. The feed becomes like a beautiful album of her life.”

Annika, 36 years old

If you have other important adults in the app, they can also view the pictures and like and comment. It’s common for older relatives like grandparents to appreciate the updates a little extra. Especially if the child’s family is geographically dispersed. You also never risk missing a relative that the child (and you as parents) need to stay in touch with.

How Child-info Works

Enter and share all essential recurring information about your child:

  • Clothing and shoe sizes
  • Vaccinations
  • Insurance
  • Allergies
  • Passport number and location
  • Other important details: such as contact information for the hairdresser, dentist, and other essential services.

And the best part, when you update Child-info, the co-parent also sees the information. For example, if the child received a TBE vaccine, both can check when it’s time to book a booster dose. So smart!

It’s so nice to be able to check the App instead of calling my ex to ask for info. That’s how it was before, and it always made me feel like a failure. It’s great to avoid that and finally come home with the right shoes for our son!

Anders, 41

Being well-informed reduces distance and creates closeness faster. It also creates peace of mind and confidence for grandma or grandpa, who are better prepared for babysitting.

Elisabeth Scholander