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The Packing list keeps track of the child’s things

Does it happen that you or the co-parent sometimes forget the child’s things? Is there a lot for the older child to keep track of when transitioning between homes? The packing list gives you an overview of the child’s clothes and gadgets. All in one place. No one needs to forget and feel like a failure.

Summary of The Packing list helps you keep track of the child’s things below.

Why a tool like the Packing list?

We created the Packing list because we know that there are a lot of clothes and gadgets to keep track of for children and parents in two homes. It’s (very) easy for things to be forgotten and lost. It creates unnecessary stress, irritation and feelings of failure. This can lead to impaired cooperation and more conflicts between parents.

But good control creates peace and quiet – for everyone!

This is how the Packing list works

Go to Overview at the top of the main menu and swipe right.

In the Packing list you will see info about the upcoming transition (time and place).

To add a new thing to pack: tap the plus-sign at the bottom right:

Type in what to bring + make the thing visible using the avatars. (Color avatar = the person can see the thing in their version of the Packing list)

Decide who will hand over/bring by entering the drop-down list (highlighted in blue).

Tap “Add” when you’re done. The thing is now in the Packing list. If you have made it visible to the co-parent, both will see it.

Once you’ve packed the thing and checked it off, the co-parent can see it in their version of the app. When things are going back, it’s the co-parent’s turn to pack and check off. Now you will see that things are packed.


In the Packing list, you only handle things for the coming transition. For the distribution of tasks around the child: swiping left twice from the Packing list takes you to Tasks. There you can list tasks that you need to do for the child such as buy shoes, book a doctor’s appointment or sign school papers.

Advantages of the Packling list

  • Everyone can pack in peace and together with the child check that everything is included. It creates a sense of control and ease for many parents and children.
  • Communication about the things takes place directly and easily without you having to do anything more than check off when the thing is packed. Everyone sees the same thing and no one needs to nag and remind anymore.
  • All gadget info in one place around the clock.
  • No more searching various text messages or email threads for messages about things that should be included.
  • If the thing is on the list, you also know who had it last in case it gets lost. Then everyone knows where to look first.


  • Without support, the constant packing of things can feel burdensome for children.
  • Fussing about things risks affecting parental cooperation in general if the fuss happens frequently and repeatedly.
  • The Packing list shows: what should be packed, by whom and when.
  • Everyone takes care of their own responsibilities and can check via the app that everything is ready for the upcoming transition (= removes nagging and control).
  • All the info in one place! Never again look in different text messages or emails for requests for gadgets, etc.
Elisabeth Scholander