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Parents   »   Child Info gives you the lowdown on sizes, vaccines, and other important stuff!

Child Info gives you the lowdown on sizes, vaccines, and other important stuff!

It’s easy to forget things about the child that you might think should be obvious to remember. Like clothing and shoe sizes, for example (because kids grow so darn fast!). Or where the passport is, or the order of the last four digits when you’re standing in a crowded waiting room at the clinic with a sniffling child in your arms. That’s why we created Child Info!

Child Info is located in the main menu under Pictures & Notes.

We’ve selected child information that we know parents often forget or want to double-check. Like clothing sizes, the latest vaccination, and other important info. You can find Child Info by clicking on Pictures & Notes in the main menu.

When you update Child Info, the co-parent also sees the information. For example, if the child has received a TBE shot, both can check when it’s time to book a booster dose. So smart!

For children, it’s gold when the important adults know what they like, need, or aren’t so keen on. Like the teddy bear Konrad must be present at bedtime or that the child dislikes ketchup but loves mustard. Good awareness reduces distance and creates closeness more quickly. It also creates peace of mind and confidence for grandma or grandpa who get better prepared for babysitting.

“It’s so nice to be able to check there instead of calling my co-parent and asking. That’s how it used to be, and it always made me feel so bad. Nice to be rid of that and finally come home with the right shoes for our son!”

Anders, 41 years old

We hope Child Info works great for you, good luck! / The Varannan Vecka-team

Elisabeth Scholander