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Parents   »   If schoolwork is affected

If schoolwork is affected

Changes at home can affect a child’s ability to concentrate and learn. When the focus should be on the multiplication table, a previous conversation between the parents may be distracting the child’s attention instead. This can lead to increased stress and a sense of failure in the child. As a parent, you can help your child achieve their goals in school and contribute to improving their security and self-confidence.

A summary of this article below.

Disorderly behavior at school

The thoughts of divorce and the other changes that the family is going through can make it difficult for the child to focus on school work. Staying busy can be a way to protect oneself from negative feelings and thoughts.

However, thoughts about the divorce can also suddenly come up during a math lesson and to avoid them one might be tempted to disturb a friend or the whole class. Anxiety can thus lead to restlessness which makes it difficult to sit still. Not managing school makes life even harder, so instead of scolding, the child needs more adult support and care.

How you can help

Parents and other important adults can help children with missed homework or anything else at home. It is important to have extra patience as an adult and be prepared for the fact that homework might take extra time now. A good way to move forward is to set small goals for schoolwork and take small breaks after different tasks. Children need to succeed and feel satisfied with their efforts (avoid criticism).

Supporting with the logistics around homework, tests, and school supplies can also help the child.

Seek help from school

The school nurse or counselor can provide support if the child wants to talk to someone. Increased contact between parents and teachers can also help.

Coparenting protects the child

It is important to strive for a good cooperation between parents when it comes to the child. It is comforting for the child to know that both parents are looking out for them and can collaborate, even if they are no longer a couple.


  • Anxiety and stress in children can affect their learning ability and focus at school.
  • It is beneficial for parents to have extra patience and help with homework and school logistics.
  • Children need to feel like they are succeeding when they put in effort. Help your child make a realistic plan!
  • Seek help from the school if needed.
  • Having a good coparenting relationship with the school regarding your child means a lot for children.

Malin Bergström
Child psychologist