The exchange planner – the tool that makes it easier
Agreeing on an exchange schedule for the child can be tricky. But with the Exhange planner you can, together or separately, try different schedules, make suggestions and changes until everyone is on board.
Here you will find out more about how the Exchange planner works.
How to make a new schedule
The foundation for making a new exchange schedule is the child’s needs and times. It is therefore important to enter the child’s times by creating a schedule in Exchange planner, which you can find in the main menu.
- Enter Exhange planner and tap the plus-icon.
- Specify which child the schedule will apply to (If you have more than one child and the children change on the same days, you can have one schedule for all children. Otherwise you need to make a schedule for each child).
- Select a start date
- Click the schedule template that best matches the child’s times right now, such as biweekly 7, 7-days, or 3, 4, 4, 3-days, and so on.
- Adjust the template so that the exchange days match your child’s days by using “Move exchange days” or “Switch days”.
- Specify when and where the exchange takes place.
Done! The new schedule is gray and has the highest number.
Use, change or delete schedule
Go to the schedule and click on the three dots on the right > select and follow the instructions:
- Rename schedule
- Share schedule
- Activate schedule
- Delete schedule
Share schedule with your coparent and come to an agreement
In order for the collaboration to work, you need agree on a schedule. You should therefore share the schedule with the co-parent in order for them to accept the schedule. The co-parent can also make suggestions to your schedule or suggest a different schedule. When you agree and both have made the schedule active, you will see the same schedule in your mobiles.
When the schedule is activated you leave the Exchange planner and go over to Overview. There you check in every day and see added activities, such as soccer practice, doctor’s appointments and more.
Change a schedule
If you need to change your schedule for a while, for example over the summer to 2 + 2 + 2 weeks:
- one of you makes the schedule + shares it
- the coparent accepts the schedule or suggests changes until you both agree.
- Both parents make the schedule active when the time comes. Your old weekday schedule remains but is not active during the summer.
In the Overview, you then see the summer schedule and spend time on bathing excursions etc. When autumn is here, you just switch back to your regular schedule in the Exchange planner and add activities and more in the Overview. Easy!
- The exchange schedule is the foundation for the tools in the app and is made in the Exchange planner.
- You do everyday checks in the Overview where the schedule you have made is the foundation. In addition, you add events in the Overview, distribute information about the child in Tasks and take care of the child’s things in the Packing List.
- Create schedule by selecting template, customize, and share. When the co-parent has accepted and activated the schedule in their version of the app, you have the same schedule and see the same things.
- If you both change the schedule for a while, the old schedule remains and can easily be activated again if you want it.
- Events, tasks, packing list and more from the Overview remain when you change schedules in the Exchange planner.